Every month, RubinBrown publishes monthly alerts to inform our clients and contacts about relevant technical accounting and audit-related information. Current and archived issues of the RubinBrown Accounting & Auditing Alert can be viewed with the links below.
Every month, RubinBrown publishes monthly alerts to inform our clients and contacts about relevant technical accounting and audit-related information. Current and archived issues of the RubinBrown Accounting & Auditing Alert can be viewed with the links below.
The FASB has recently issued ASU 2020-07, Presentation and Disclosures by Not-for-Profit Entities for Contributed Nonfinancial Assets. Prior to ASU 2020-07, there were no specific disclosure requirements for contributed nonfinancial assets other than for contributed services.
Learn moreIn September 2020, the FASB issued an Exposure Draft for public comment that is intended to ease the potential accounting burden on private company franchisors.
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