CRM Evaluation and Software Selection for a Non-Profit public media radio station
Business Issue:
As a broadcast leader and innovator, this media organization was transforming radio-only to a broader media marketplace. Their struggle with internal operational effectiveness and technology issues led this organization to request an objective assessment of which of these issues could be resolved through CRM and which software package makes the most sense for them to implement.
Engaged to conduct an assessment of the current business issues and opportunities identified by the station and identify how those business issues could be resolved by current CRM technology available in the marketplace and conduct a Software Evaluation of CRM software packages that best meet their business needs.
- Conducted an initial Assessment of business issues facing the organization
- Reviewed each functional area to identify business issues
- Determined which of these issues would be resolved through CRM strategies and technologies
- Communicated those results to align expectations within the organization
- Defined the business requirements customized and prioritized for this specific organization
- Developed and distributed the RFP to selected vendors
- Conducted objective and guided vendor software demonstrations
- Compiled the scoring results and recommend a technology implementation Action Plan to move from the current environment to the Vision state
Projected Results:
- Established a 360-degree view of the customer from all inputs across the organization
- Lowered operating costs and increased revenue dollars
- Established more efficient and strategic use of resources
- Decreased quality concerns
- Increased brand image and awareness