In the chart below, we present our RubinBrown Sports Betting Index (SBI). The SBI is based on our proprietary index of the leading sports betting states in the U.S. To continue to best reflect current market conditions, we’ll occasionally adjust the components of the index. To better compare competitive conditions, our index numbers focus in on a group of mature, competitive states. Therefore, a state with an index score of 1.15 had a raw index score of 15% greater than the average, while a 0.90 index score shows a 10% lower than average result.
We note the kickoff of the football season shows a relative bump up in performance. The inherent benefit of creating index numbers and the SBI is that we can more realistically compare how the industry was doing in say March and compare it to September.
With the highest relative performance of the SBI seen in the states reporting data so far, it appears we may be witnessing the beginning of another growth phase for sports betting in its leading markets.
In the mature competitive markets, we see growing relative strength in the kickoff to the football season across most jurisdictions. Markets that were seeing weakening such as Iowa and New Jersey found renewed interest and betting volumes in September.
For our internal analysis and work we have done with clients, we created a variety of groupings to track performance. When discussing market conditions with existing and prospective participants, we note that no two states operate under the same exact conditions.
By creating unique groupings of otherwise unconnected markets, we uncover different trends and relative performance levels that better identify which factors may be driving the differences between jurisdictions.
We plan to share insights we take away from this data with each newsletter, for this first edition we thought we would share a few things that caught our attention:
Published: 12/19/2023
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