At RubinBrown, we have a 100% independent consulting team that focuses on ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) projects. Our team of expert consultants enables client success by working together to optimize and select ERP software, and dramatically improve processes, technology, and performance. The team will help identify, lead, and manage the implementation of ERP and enterprise business software as well as help you create and implement your optimized business growth roadmap.
System Assessment
Align your company’s ERP and technology strategy with your overall business to enable strategic outcomes and create business value. A system assessment is a great way to help ensure you are getting the most out of your ERP and business systems. The technology landscape is evolving every day; an assessment will help check if your business systems are still the best solutions for your organization.
Software Selection
Our truly independent (no vendor relationships/partnerships) selection process and hundreds of successful ERP and enterprise software selections make us a valued partner. RubinBrown helps clients see past the bells and whistles of the sales pitch from vendors and dig deep into functional requirements to ensure the right system is selected. Our seasoned professionals work with our clients to go through a structured evaluation process to find the best solutions to fit their specific business needs.
Software Implementation
Software Implementation is not simply installing new software. Implementations are a business opportunity to ensure your system is set up for growth and with the future in mind. It is also a crucial time to optimize your business processes in conjunction with your selected system. We have successfully managed hundreds of enterprise software implementations via our Active Project Management process. Our team helps keep your implementation project in-scope, on-budget, on-time, and ultimately ensure that it is a success.
More Than Just Picking Your System
We manage your project as a “Business Transformation” project, not just an IT project. We help you get the business results expected from a new system.
Contract Negotiations
Negotiating contracts, especially large enterprise software contracts potentially with recurring charges, is a must. RubinBrown has helped our clients save millions of dollars in contract negotiations. Negotiating terms and conditions is just as important as hard dollar savings. RubinBrown keeps our client’s best interests in mind throughout the negotiation process.
Active Project Management
The Project Management Institute states that 90% of project management is communication. RubinBrown will enable you to properly set up your project, identify sponsors, define key resources, create schedules and milestones, and carefully manage risks and critical efforts for your project. We are business managers, and exceptional communications are the secret to our success. We will help you build a winning team, helping you align the right resources in the right places, to elicit high performance. We will provide the constant and necessary guidance, communication, and confidence until your project is a success.
Contract Negotiations
Negotiating contracts, especially large enterprise software contracts potentially with recurring charges, is a must. RubinBrown has helped our clients save millions of dollars in contract negotiations. Negotiating terms and conditions is just as important as hard dollar savings. RubinBrown keeps our client’s best interests in mind throughout the negotiation process.
Active Project Management
The Project Management Institute states that 90% of project management is communication. RubinBrown will enable you to properly set up your project, identify sponsors, define key resources, create schedules and milestones, and carefully manage risks and critical efforts for your project. We are business managers, and exceptional communications are the secret to our success. We will help you build a winning team, helping you align the right resources in the right places, to elicit high performance. We will provide the constant and necessary guidance, communication, and confidence until your project is a success.
Project Recovery and Rescue 
Projects always start off with good intentions. Good intentions include defined timelines, budgets, and business objectives. Once a project is in trouble, alarms tend to go off and the project is given the unfortunate label as “troubled.” You can save the project by calling the professionals at RubinBrown to help you right the project, recover your objectives, and get the team across the finish line. We will turn your troubled project into a winner with our active project management, confidence, and expertise.
Why Companies Call RubinBrown to Manage ERP Projects:
- When you need help defining a roadmap for your future use of technology.
- If you feel like you’re not maximizing your technologies’ capabilities.
- When you want to explore opportunities to take advantage of emerging technologies.
- When you need independent guidance on selecting the appropriate software or vendor to work with.
- If you are at the beginning or stalled in the middle of an implementation of new technology.
- If you are facing a corporate level change like an expansion, merger or acquisition.
Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
Good business is anchored by good processes. Inefficient methods hinder productivity and performance, while an expertly engineered approach delivers efficiency and high-quality results. RubinBrown's advisors treat process design as both an art and a science, balancing strategic goals with operational elegance. We empower you with the ability to make data-driven decisions. Unlock your business potential with RubinBrown’s Business Process Reengineering services.
Current-State Documentation
Workflows – the ground truth for how your business currently operates.
Future-State Realization
Workflows optimized for efficient operations. We rattle the cages of comfort and conformity to create a foundation for new growth.
Continuity Gap Analysis
Processes to keep your business operating in challenging times
Facilitated BPR Workshops
RubinBrown will help you with a series of facilitated sessions with your cross-functional project team and specific subject matter experts. During the sessions, we will help you define and document current state business processes, and identify and document optimized future state business processes.
Why Companies Call RubinBrown to Manage BPR Projects
- Processes take too long or are inefficient.
- Processes are cross-departmental, but communication breaks down.
- Little or no documentation on business processes exists.
- Processes cost too much or take too long.
- You want to improve the quality of business processes.
- An acquisition or merger has created the need to consolidate processes.